General Questions
Pricing and Registration
Forgot User Name or Password? |
is a list of some of commonly asked questions from users and prospective
users alike. Please contact us if we haven't answered one of yours. Click on
the 'Main' link above to return to the Home Page. |
General Questions |
Q: What
exactly does this web site do?
This website is the best investment that you can make for
your aviation career or hobby. MyCanadianlogbook.com
track your flying hours just like your paper aviation
logbooks, but our aviation logbook will make the process much easier.
We will
calculate your hours plus keep track of all types of
aircraft that you have flown over the years. We also let you name your own
set of custom fields
to add hours into categories such as Floats, Mountain Time, Sea
Time, Skis, Instructor, Tail Dragger, etc. You will be able to
print your aviation logbook at your convenience to be
submitted to Transport Canada or any other Organization. We also have
special reports that show you at a glance how many hours you have logged
and summarize in one
convenient report your various types of flight hours.
We have different types of users including - Airplane,
Helicopter and Ultra Light pilots. MyCanadianlogbook.com
aviation logbook is great for Recreational Pilot Logbooks, Private Pilot
Logbooks, Commercial Pilot Logbooks, Helicopter Pilot Logbooks, Airline
Logbook or any other Pilot Logbook. |
Q: Can I
use my
for submission to
when needed?
Yes you can as stated by CARS
103.04 Record Keeping
systems, including computer records and microfiche, that do not comprise
entries on paper may be used to comply with the record-keeping requirements
of these Regulations if
measures are taken to ensure that the records contained in the recording
systems are protected, by electronic or other means, against inadvertent
loss or destruction and against tampering; and
a copy of the records contained in the recording systems can be printed on
paper and provided to the Minister on reasonable notice given by the
http://www.tc.gc.ca/aviation/regserv/carac/cars/cars/103e.htm |
Q: Can I
use my MyCanadianlogbook.com
for submission to FAA or JAA |
Yes you can, we have the same format as most paper logbooks. |
and Registration
Q: What
does MyCanadianlogbook.com
cost? How do I pay? How do I register? |
will cost $12.50 per year or $10.00 for 3 months or 1 month $3.00 (You are
not obligated into subscribing each month, we just use PAYPAL for an easy
transaction for monthly billing). To subscribe go to the home page and click
on Register. Fill out the form.
Payment may be made by money order or PAYPAL at present. Sorry but we will
not accept any cheques. At present, your account will be activated upon
completion of this form. Money orders must be received in our office within
5 days or your account will be temporarily suspended until payment has been
received. We will advise once payment has been received, so that you may
begin logging your flight data on MyCanadianlogbook.com.
Q: How
long does my subscription last?
Your subscription will run one year from the date we received your payment,
and will automatically renew each year, unless you cancel it via PayPal, or
in your Log CFG - Subscription Info page. |
Q: If I decide not to renew my subscription do I lose access to all my Data? |
A: No, you would not. All your data will be safely stored on our
server and won't be deleted at all. You can renew and you will be able to
access your data again.
here to Renew |
Q: Will
you sell my information? |
A: No we
will not.
We will keep all your information private and confidential. We dislike
receiving spam as much as the rest of you. |
Forgotten User Name or Password? |
to the login page click on Forgotten your user name and password,
Then simply enter your email address. We will send your user name and
password back. If we need to mail your user id there will a small fee.
Note--We will do a check before we mail any password to anyone. |